August 29, 2002

A New Roomate
Well, after a big cockroach problem, Murrr & I have decided to adopt a new pet to our apartment since Mailen's attempts to deport them from our place failed. His name is Tal (Liban) and he should be quite violent. he kept me up most of last night. Meir and Mailen played with him until they wanted to sleep and then freed him to the open fields in our apartment; of course, he decided to sleep in my room on my bed, on my body and on my neck and bite whenever he wanted.

School's Out
Only five more days until my vacations starts, and then it's fun fun fun. i am free until october 13th. we are able to do whatever we want. oh well, i guess i`ll be all by myself now. anyone who wishes to intoxicate himself in this short time may join me in my apartment for a drinking session. please do so since i found out in the last weeks i am very _very_ very bored.

No Soup For You...
Well, the last few weeks were kind of strange, that is why i haven't bugged you that much. i only know it's good to have people to rely on in these strange times. I really think that it is good that i have people that i can write to and discuss everything i have on my mind. the problem is that most of these things cannot be broadcasted at a mass, so i sometimes think that i should be more personal. so i will dedicate the time in the near future to make time for you.

Action Items:
(1) Ronna - I am still waiting for your Curriculum Viate since i wanted to transfer it to several people. please do so in the near time. also i sent you the Epical log with my babbling. i`d like to hear some comments.
(2) Oran - Chill. Relax. Think. There's a time and place for everything.
(3) Meir - FEED THE CAT
(4) Guy - I`ll let you know my dates for the trip, but as it goes right now, there's a problem with arranging meetings with the telco's around september.
(5) Nelly - I Miss you, when are you getting back, call me.
(6) Yoav - Your Trip without communication should be over in the near future, do contact.
Last but not least
(7) Amir - We miss you, tell me what's going on.

Love, Hate and various emotions that make you do stupid stuff;

Jonathan J. Klinger

August 18, 2002

Beer And The City
Well, i managed to intoxicate myself, you can read the full story at and comment, but i shall give you the highlights: I GOT DRUNK - I made stupid things, i asked three girls whether they would sleep with me, and that's all. it was fun.

We interrupt this Email with a special news bulletin
This week was stranger than strange, i shall begin to tell the tale of the week that began on August 11th and ended today, bit by bit and elaborate on the fun parts.

Beyom Rishon Gargirim VeZero`nim
Sunday was mild, after a few short hours of sleep i went with Meir to pick up Mailen from the Airport, i got my daily (or maybe weekly) dose of caffeine and waited, she came and we went home, later i went to fulfill my academic duties, and had done so successfully. as i returned to my quarters, my cellular phone rang, it was a friend of mine, he had some trouble writing his final paper in legal research. he came, picked me up and we went to school again. afterwards, Oran and I went to Limor's house to watch TV and get intoxicated. it was quite exhilarating, i stayed up until three o'clock and went home to sleep for a few hours.

Beyom Sheni Gargirim VeZero`nim
Monday WAS different - i woke up and went to work, not knowing what today holds, and not realizing i am tired. after work was the Mo`adonit, where i helped the youngsters with their school assignments. Oran had invited me to a party in the TLV, he said that there would be models and etc... i said that i`d join him since my sleepy hours aren't really worth it. i got home at seven and took a short nap, hoping that Oran would wake me up so i would go with him. the clock stroke eleven and there was no call, i woke up and Mailen came to entertain me until Meir comes home, i went to sleep around two o'clock.

The Never-ending story
Tuesday, i thought i could sleep until late, but no, reality had to strike me in the face. i woke up for work and had to meet people i don't really know what they do, nor think their technology is worth anything.... then afterwards i went to school.... after the relaxing hours at school i went to work again, listening to an interesting idea, but it only interests me... afterwards we headed to Limor's since she still had an empty house and we needed something to do. :-).... we got intoxicated and came home at six o'clock.

Wednesday, do you wonder?
On wednesday i woke up LATE!!!!!!!... and then i had to do something - ah - right, i had to pick up checks from our clients, that of course were not ready, so i had to get to work and then i went off to Beer City - i stood for two straight hours in a traffic jam (when you're already late, a no smoking sign on your cigarette break...) and then parked my car and went to hear some music.

Two good things and then it went too bad....
As human as we are, i shall begin with the good news, I heard great music from Fortis, who performed around 22:00, and then split up from my company and went to do other stuff, i sat down and heard an ACiD-JaZZ band called 'Harry Cookoo' that improvised on stage and did some weird stuff that i liked, we should go and see them some day...... and now for the bad...... When Maya (the Seventeen year-old) and I stood in line for beer, i saw the person in front of me going out of the line and in to the line on the other side of the bar, then i realized it was **** (my Ex) that was avoiding me, never mind, it's not like last year in Student-Day..... Now for the other bad thing (with a good ending).... Maya (the Seventeen year-old) had lost her cell-phone and had gone Bezzerk thinking it was stolen, she gave Oran and I an enormous headache and I called her cellphone looking for it, then it came to me - the cellphone is available and no one answers, meaning it was lost and not stolen..... around 02:00 her mother called Oran's cellular saying that it was handed to the police and we should pick it up from the Police Station in Ramat-Gan... Off we went.

Beyom Hamishi - Gargirim Vezero`nim
I woke up around 08:00 to go and pick up the checks and then deposit them in several banks. Paid my tuition for this year (actually - only a part of it) and went to school. I had to give a lecture in a course I'm studying, it was interesting. After School, Oran wanted me to go with him to buy tickets to a party he wanted to go on friday, so i passed by my parents and left my computer there, along with my Cellphone (and took another one/just replaced the SiM) and went to buy the stupid tickets..... we met with the guy that was supposed to sell them, and his car broke down, i asked him where the party is since i was not going to drive more than an hour/hour and a half, and he said near the Kinneret, i passed. then i navigated Oran to Beer City again in less than 30 Minutes, where Oran and I heard some Irish music and I drank a cup of Murphy's beer (alcohol blood count - +1 Beer), then we went to Oran and to a Pub called `Steel' with friends of mine from School. at the Pub i started with a Vodka RedBull (add to Alcohol blood count) and then sipped from other people's drinks, then came the 2/3 cup of Hooegarden that i like so much, and then came the Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz; now for the strange thing, my inhibitions were down, and i felt that i can go and try to pick up a girl that looked nice (strange to hear that from me....), So i walked on, trying to be tactful, and told her i think she looks nice, and then it hit me, SHE KNOWS ME, she was at my birthday party with two ugly friends that Zabar tried to pick up, and then they all went with Itay to one of the girls houses and did what they did......... I came home, passed out and got up around twelveish.

Friday???? what Day???
I went to my parents to eat lunch with them, and then i went off to Liran to help him move the stuff to his new apartment, after that i went to a family dinner and then i came home, and started to clean my room (surprise surprise), around 2200 oran called and asked me whether i wanted a free ticket to the stupid party, he didn't understand that i was kind of tired and i had no will power to move, i gently refused and went to sleep.

And on the Seventh day....
God rested, and i tried too..... summary - DON'T SEE GOLDMEMBER.

Love you All, and now for the important stuff:
(1) Going To California - next week I'm in Lala land working for two days, and i`ll try to nag Schwartz for as much as I can
(2) Maya is having a party on Tuesday in the Chaps in Tel Aviv, 25Nis and you're in. I need a reason to be there, do come....
(3) Do you actually read this shit?????????

Love, Peace and Intoxication,

Jonathan J. Klinger

August 02, 2002

Preparing for Field Trip:
Attention Everyone, it goes like this:
>From October 1st to the 7th I am planning the following trip and i wanted anyone who can to attend it,
I need you approval so i can get the proper equipment and set up track and stuff.

The program is like this:
Camping on the Snir River for a few days at a certain point that is a 15 minute hike from the main road, on a river covered with hedgerow and trees so there is shade all day long. the food shall be exclusively dried goods that we will be making on our "Amgazit", we shall purify our own water and make our own food. everyone will bring instruments and play music and create. the main point is to rest ourselves for a week before school starts, and this year the holidays including Rosh-Hashana take place on the Beginning of september, so there would be no one around.
The things that everyone is required to bring are as follows:
(1) Sleeping Bag
(2) Tent (or NOT - if you plan on sleeping with strangers)
(3) 50 NiS for food - I will buy for everyone, so i can keep everyone's diet (not loosing weight, but eating with balance)
(4) Musical Instruments
(5) Good Vibes

I am planning also a small Trek, but this depends if anyone is interested.

Besides that, if anyone is interested in a weekend in amsterdam (around 500$) say so.

News/Bad News
As usual, this week was as bad as the last one, i got a bit sick from going in/out of air-conditioned places, and i had absolutely no sleep until this morning. I NEED A CURE.
as for the news - Schwartz is alive and kicking, although he is not coming to Israel.


Amir - I am looking for you like for 4 days, CALL ME or MAIL ME. i think we found a person that can get you work.
Ron - Sorry i didn't write to you personally for a long time, i just didn't have anything to say. it seems that my life stands still, and its bad.
Ronna - Do find time to meet me this week, please.
Mailen - We're keeping meir in shape so you won't be disappointed when you come back, don't cheat with strange people.
Keren - I Haven't heard what's going on with you, call me or something when you have time.

Love you all, (well, at least the ones that are in touch)

Jonathan J. Klinger